Right to Music / Concerts in Schools (2013-)
One of the key pillars of our educational and social outreach activity, the “Right to Music” programme is now in its eleventh year. The programme, which we began in 2013 with funds generously donated by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation to cover its first two years in operation, seeks to get this message out: far from being a luxury for the initiated or the privileged, music should be accessible to all. The programme also seeks to provide young listeners with a good deal of joy and with entertainment that has substance to it. At the same time, children have the opportunity to experience at first hand what collective effort can produce, while learning about musical instruments and the way sound is produced, as well as the history of music as it has evolved over time.
The programme consists of two main actions:
One is based in Athens and involves the implementation of educational programmes by the music ensembles of the Athens State Orchestra, each of which consists of between 3 and 18 musicians, both in primary and secondary education (general and special schools) and in children’s institutions and hospitals, juvenile rehabilitation institutions and therapeutic communities.
A conscious choice was made to focus initially on the young listeners who need us the most. As a result, the Orchestra's ensembles have staged a large number of concerts in very many schools across Attica over its period of implementation. As a public institution, the Athens State Orchestra strives not to impose more than a minimal burden on the schools that host it and the children who attend those schools. The enthusiastic response of students, teachers and parents gives us the strength we need to continue, and to expand the range of our school performances as far as possible.
The second action is aimed at the Greek provinces. The programme, which is constantly expanding thanks to our own efforts and the unstinting support of local institutions and generous private donors, seeks to respond to the needs of those who live in the Greek provinces and do not often have the opportunity to attend similar events, allowing them to forget their daily obligations for a while as they enjoy concerts by the Orchestra's musical ensembles. At the same time, the educational activities give children the opportunity to acquaint themselves with both the Greek and international classical repertoire, along with contemporary works that have found a place in music-lovers’ hearts. It is the musicians’ task to initiate them into the world of serious music and the unique timbre of each instrument, explaining their history and performing pieces that highlight their unique qualities. In addition, students have the opportunity to observe the musical ensembles at work and to gain a hands-on appreciation of the importance of cooperation and collective action. Finally, the musicians of the Orchestra also interact with local musical institutions (brass bands, conservatories and music schools), providing free seminars for their members and students. We are particularly proud of the fact that, to date, we have performed for over 60,000 listeners and run seminars in 40 towns and cities in cooperation with more than 50 music institutions.